Milan’s historical skyscraper, designed by Melchiorre Bega in the 1950s, has been recently refursbished with a new, functional and advanced design, preserving, at the same time, the original facade modularity.
The tower is provided with a reinforced concrete structure, clad with high-selective coated triple glazed units and aluminium curtain-wall, 109 m high.
The renovation project has been led by BG&K, who designed a luxury hotel up to the 12th floor, apartments from the 13th to the 30th and a restaurant on top of the tower.
Renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic and geothermal systems, have been widely applied to the building, in order to provide GalFa tower with efficiency and functionality.
The refurbished tower complies with the more recent local seismic standards.
Highly-transparent volumes host the panoranim lifts, while a light-glass cube marks-up the entrance to the below-ground spaces.